Web Software For Beginners
Choosing web software for beginners can put up an immediate road block and stop a beginning web builder in their tracks. Some experts say you don’t need to learn HTML to build a website now days because of all the drag and drop software programs on the market. Some say you should learn HTML coding because it allows you to be more creative and go beyond the limitations of drag and drop software.
Who’s right? You can generally find a lot of opinions but no solid solutions for the person seeking to build a website for the first time.
It’s true; most of the software programs made for website generation are a lot easier than they use to be. You really can drag and drop images and text almost anywhere on a web page. Some software programs even have graphics already created so you can insert them and go to the next step.
A beginner can sometimes be sucked into buying website software they hate or find too difficult to learn. They end up returning it to the store. Keep in mind, most software programs cannot be returned once the package has been opened.
I don’t believe the focus should be on finding the best website software for beginners initially. A beginner should work through a few issues that are often overlooked before building a website.
There are many books to choose from to learn HTML coding but which one should he or she choose if they have no previous knowledge of building websites? Without a point of reference, it’s almost impossible to choose wisely.
The beginner is in a no-win situation. They often buy multiple books and, after much frustration, they still can’t get a website up. They aren’t as technically savvy as they thought.
Don’t let that stop you.
Work through the steps below and get back on the right path to setting up a website.
Should you learn a new software package to get your website built, or learn HTML and build it from scratch, or have it outsourced?
5 Tips to help decide if a beginner should buy website software.
1. Determine what kind of website you want to build.
2. Determine if your website is worth building based on research.
3. Determine if you are technically savvy enough learn HTML and build a website.
4. Determine if you are technically savvy enough to learn new software and build a website.
5. Determine if you can afford to have your website outsourced.
If your website is not worth building based on research, quickly change your idea and continue to step three. Always do research to size up your competition and then make your website better than theirs. The best ideas for beginner websites come from subjects the builder is very familiar with. If you’re an expert on web software, build a website about how to us software for building websites.
If you have what it takes to learn HTML, get more knowledge from places like W3schools.com and be the best. If you’re the type that can learn software packages easily, try Dreamweaver as possible software to use. Dreamweaver requires patience as you learn it but it’s the software most professionals use.
If you don’t think the options above suit you, use Word Press. It’s free, it’s easy to set up and it’s great for beginners.
Last but not least, if you don’t want to learn HTML or drag and drop programs, have your website outsourced. You’ll spend money but skip leaning HTML, drag and drop programs or setting up with Word Press.
Here are the 4 best options for building a website:
1. Learn HTML.
2. Learn drag and drop software programs.
3. Use Word Press.
4. Outsource your website.
In conclusion, the beginning website builder should work through the issues listed before he or she buys web software. Take your time and find the right solution for you.