The Mobile site and SEO In 2014
customize local mobile searches by Google and several popular applications. Combine that with the interlinking of numerous social profiles on mobile devices and it points to the benefits of leveraging social signals to provide a better experience. The real question is; when will personalized search no longer be optional?
Either way, you need to make sure your site is mobile ready and optimized if you want to continue seeing search traffic in coming years.
This comment really resounded with me because as an mobile site and SEO it is easy to get a one-track mind, to focus on a single goal and toss everything else by the wayside. Today we talked about ASO and Mobile SEO. These methods should be combined with content marketing, social media participation, pay per click advertising and outreach on sites your customers are likely to visit.
As my mother told me many times as a child “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” and this is true for online marketing as well. I like to think of websites and SEO as a financial investment. Will you take a high-risk, high-reward approach, will you be extremely conservative to reduce risks at the cost of lower returns or will you combine the two?