Joomla! – The Best Affordable CMS Solution For Everyone

Joomla! – The Best Affordable CMS Solution For Everyone


Joomla! is one of the renowned content management systems. It works on the platform of php, and is used by both small and big business. In fact, it has is an award winning project and the best part is it is open source. Joomla! is very user friendly. It is aimed to facilitate users with negligible technical skills. Basically, Joomla! is software that optimizes, and manages the content hosted on the site. Joomla! is one of its kinds and is widely used by both big and small enterprises.


With the immense popularity Joomla! is used by every kind of site, from corporate sites to government to personal. This is main feature that makes Joomla! stand out. Big companies like MTV Networks, Howard University, Citi Bank are using this content management system. It is enriched with many features such as management, search facilities, web services. The chief feature is management, and every type of management such as content management, user management, media management and many more are integrated in Joomla!.

Why Joomla!?

Joomla! is very easy to build and design a website. An amateur with nugget of development and   web   designing  skill can effortlessly create wonders with Joomla!  web   design . Joomla! has a glorious history. It started in the year 2000, and since then it has got around 200,000 admirers and has a strong community including big and small companies. It got the award for the best CMS open-source developer. To get started with Joomla! is very simple, just download Joomla! and read the guidelines available on the Joomla! site.

It has the feature of demo using, from which a user can take an experience. For organizations looking for advanced and high quality framework, Joomla! advanced version known as core Joomla! is also available. This version provide platform to develop e-commerce systems, inventory control systems, complex directories, communication tool. Joomla! is recommended for small firms because it is built on the platform of PHP and MySQL. Both PHP and MySQL are open source web development and database management system.


Joomla! is incorporated with many advantages and below here are some of them which describe its acclaim.

· It is an open-source CMS development kit.

· Apart from managing content such as text, video, photos on the site, it also helps the web hosting site to encourage polls, search, and web help system.

· The real strength of Joomla! websites is its ease f use. It is very user friendly and any proletarian web developer can get acquainted with it.

· Still for consumer’s satisfaction it has an option for demo use, which shows that site’s way of encouraging small scale companies.

Many technical features are there but these are some basic boons that separate Joomla! from other CMS developers.

Joomla! web development is not only cheap and user friendly but also comes with a user satisfaction tag, its wide history demonstrates that. So this pristine web developer is highly recommended for small scale industry. The big commercial firms displays that they also recommend Joomla! as the best.


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